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    Exploring the South Coast of Durban
  • Timeless Lodge suitable for corporate, solo and family travelers
    Timeless Lodge suitable for corporate, solo and family travelers

Dolphin Watching at Timeless Lodge in Umkomaas

Posted on Thu September 29, 2022.

Dolphins are incredible. They are socially skilled (more so than humans I believe), intelligent, agile, joyful, and they are such playful creatures. It is said that they share many emotional similarities with humans. We love dolphins because they are one of the most intelligent animals on earth. They communicate using clicks, whistles, squeaks, and many other soothing sounds. They use echolocation to navigate underwater and find prey. They are very social and live in groups called pods. Pods travel together from birth until death (which we find absolutely amazing). Dolphins are known to be friendly towards humans and often swim right up to boats, but we should still exercise caution as they can be unpredictable.

You surely agree with me that they are also one of the most graceful mammals in the world. Just watching them gives me such a serene sense of peace.  Their bodies are so streamlined and sleek allowing them to travel at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour, stopping to play games such as leapfrogging, spy hopping, and tail slapping. Dolphin watching is a popular activity at Timeless Lodge.  In fact, there are several places where people come to watch dolphins every day. One of those places is Timeless Lodge, located in Umkomaas along the South coast of Durban. If you want to see dolphins while enjoying the beauty of nature, then book your stay at Timeless Lodge.

Each of our rooms is sea-facing and you have your own private patio "dolphin viewing" area. Bring your binoculars to get up close and personal with these beautiful creatures.

And, did I mention that we have a special price rate offer on our rooms at the moment - book now and don't miss out.

Timeless Lodge is a bed and breakfast holiday destination that is unique and the spectacular views will not disappoint.

Now is the time to enjoy life.

Lots of love
